Although we favor an inbound approach, that doesn’t mean you can’t reach out to your prospective clients via email. It’s important to make contact with prospective clients and let them get to know your brand better!
One of the most useful uses of email is to remain present in the prospective client’s mind. Use emails to share information with subscribers on at least a weekly basis to keep your brand “top of mind”.
If you think about the type of emails you typically receive, most of them are sharing some sort of news to entice readers into contacting the company or making a purchase. Share interesting information and updates with subscribers so you don’t miss out on these opportunities!
You can use email to accompany your website and social media efforts in generating interest for attending events and informational sessions. Increase turnout and reduce the number of ineffective marketing efforts by integrating email as a powerful tool in your strategy.
Email is an essential tool in moving prospective clients through the “buyer’s journey”. Once you’ve made your initial contact, you’ll need to ensure that those people follow through and contact your business for more information. Our team is experienced in a variety of email techniques and we can work with you to develop a strategy that provides exceptional open rates, call-to-action clicks, and generated contacts!
An important facet of email marketing is to ensure that you’re delivering messages to prospective clients at the optimal time. People don’t like to hear about signing up for counseling services immediately if they’ve never interacted with your brand before. Use gradual emails to build interest and offer your services later on after you’ve established a relationship with the user.
Lead Generation
With email, the main focus and goal of your strategy should be to increase the number of contacts, or leads, that you’re able to communicate with. By doing this, you increase the chances that one of those prospects turns into a client or resident. Once they’ve done so, you’re able to separate them from prospective buyers and focus on maintaining your relationship, rather than selling your services to them.
Similar to social media, email can be an effective tool for increasing awareness of news and events for your practice or business. If you need to know how many people are attending an event or session, you can set up an RSVP system that keeps track of how many people will arrive, saving you money on extra supplies, promotional materials or instructors.
Increase Traffic
At first, rather than convincing someone to blindly sign up for your services, it’s best practice to inform them about your brand. We’ll start by sending a few emails that direct users to the website or provide them with downloadable content to familiarize them with the services you offer. If they have any interest, they’ll visit your website, improving traffic and the opportunities to increase contacts!